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Background. Exercise is a promising approach in ameliorating the fatigue associated with cancer and its treatment. Design. A randomized design with control, experimental groups being assessed preand postintervention.Methods. Thirty-five patients were randomly selected, with 18 assigned to an exercise group and 17 to a control group. The exercise intervention lasted for 30 minutes every day for six weeks. It consisted of physical exercise combined with relaxation breathing exercise. Fatigue was measured by the revised version of the Piper Fatigue Scale. Results. The exercise group had a greater decrease in fatigue than the control group. Conclusion. These findings indicate that a relaxation breathing exercise would improve fatigue in allogenic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation patients.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of yogic exercise on nonspecific neck pain in university students.METHODS: This study is a pretest-posttest design with a non-equivalent control group. Thirty-eight university students were selected by convenience sampling, with 18 assigned to an exercise group and 20 assigned to a control group. The yoga group participated in one-hour sessions of yogic exercise two days a week for eight weeks. The exercise comprised eight stages: relaxation, flexion of neck, extension of neck, right lateral flexion of neck, left lateral flexion of neck, right rotation of neck, left rotation of neck, and relaxation. Neck pain intensity was measured using a 100 mm visual analogue scale. RESULTS: The yoga group showed significantly decreased neck pain scores compared with those of the control group. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that yogic exercises could reduce neck pain in university students.