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The present study was planned to investigate the effects of Anuloma-viloma and specific yogic asanas in Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The study group comprised of 60 females suffering from PMS between the age group of 18- 40 years, having 28-34 days regular menstrual cycle, further subdivided into 3 groups having equal number (n=20) of subjects-group A (no intervention), group B (Anuloma-viloma) and group C (yogic asanas). Age-matched 30 healthy female subjects were taken as control. In all the subjects, a baseline recording of the systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) from the right arm was taken using an automated sphygmomanometer. The heart rate (HR/min), electromyogram (EMG; mV), galvanic skin response (GSR;kΩ), respiratory rate (RR/min), peripheral temperature (T;°F), were recorded simultaneously, on an automated biofeedback apparatus Relax 701. The subjects of group A and group B performed yogic exercises, regularly for 7 days prior to the expected date of menstruation for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles. The parameters were recorded again at the end of 7 days in each menstrual cycle. We observed that, in the group A and group B, HR, SBP, DBP, EMG, GSR and RR showed a very significant reduction (P<0.001) and T rose more significantly (P<0.001) after the 3rd menstrual cycle, when compared with their basal levels. On computing the percentage difference between the baseline and post values in all the three groups and than comparing this percentage difference, we found a y significant difference (P<0.05) between the groups. In the present study, the relaxation response in the females suffering from PMS showed a reduction in an abnormally high basal sympathetic activity and a heightened relaxation response in both the study groups (group B and Group C) in comparison with group A.