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<p>This article presents three letters, two of which are translated to English, written by Kadrung Nornang Wangdu tsering (bka' drung nor nang dbang du tshe ring), who held the position of Secretary of the Tibetan Cabinet (bka' shag) for many years. The letters were written in 1888 and deal with the Anglo-Tibetan confrontations that took place that year. Previously unpublished, they shed light on the political situation of Tibet and Bhutan, and British policy in the region at that time.Two of the letters were written by Kadrung Nornang, in his official capacity as secretary, to the Regent (sde srid) and Krong dpon of Bhutan respectively. The third text is a letter to a Mr. Nyendrong (snyan grong). In poetic verse, it gives an account of an Anglo-Tibetan skirmish in September of 1888. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-25)</p>