<p>The article presents an approach to human resource planning in Nepal. Specifically it looks at the case of the Nepal civil service prepared under a UN/DESD project to strengthen the institutional capabilities of the Ministry of General Administration. It highlights issues in human resource planning in Nepal and provides an approach towards building a human resource plan for the country. As a case illustration, the report focuses on the Nepal civil service - its environment and current situation, programming action areas, and monitoring and evaluation of its human resource system. It includes a bar-diagram of existing permanent positions of civil servants. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-02-18)</p>
<p>Book Reviews by Nirmal C. Sinha of L. Austine Waddell, <em>Lhasa and its Mysteries</em>; Marco Pallis, <em>Peaks and Lamas</em>; and, Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang, <em>Tibetan Medicine illustrated in original texts</em>.</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in March of 1965. It features articles by Hugh Richardson, Lama Anagarika Govinda, Turrell V. Wylie, Buddha Prakash, and Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1965. It features articles by Toni Schmid, K. A. Nilakanta Sastri, Nirmal C. Sinha, and Hugh Richardson. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1966. It features articles by Richard Keith Sprigg, Wangchen Surkhang, J. K. Thapa, and Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1967. It features articles by Hugh Richardson, Siegbert Hummel, and Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in July of 1967. It features articles by N. Aiyaswami Sastri and Mynak R. Tulku. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1967. It features articles by Hugh Richardson and Parshtotam Mehra. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1968. It features a translation by Lobsang Phuntshok Lhalungpa and an article by Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in July of 1968. It features articles by N. Aiyaswami Sastri and Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1968. It features a translation by Mynak R. Tulku and an article by Nirmal C. Sinha. Nalinaksha Dutt provides a note on Taranatha's History of Buddhism in India. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1969. It features articles by Hugh Richardson and Michael Aris. Also, Nalinaksha Dutt continues his summary Taranatha's History of Buddhism in India. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in July of 1969. It features articles by Nirmal C. Sinha, Mynak R. Tulku, Nalinaksha Dutt, and Buddha Prakash. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1969. It features articles by Bhajagovinda Ghosh and Lama Anagarika Govinda, as well as notes and topics. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1970. It features articles by Hugh Richardson, Nalinaksha Dutt, Nirmal C. Sinha, Richard Keith Sprigg, and David W. M. Duncan. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in August of 1970. It features articles by Richard Keith Sprigg and Bhajagovinda Ghosh. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1970. It features articles by Lama Anagarika Govinda and Buddha Prakash, as well as notes and topics. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1971. It features articles by Arabinda Deb, N. Aiyaswami Sastri, and Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
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