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<p>A look at the heath care situation of Jiri valley in Nepal with a focus on the hospital built there in 1957. The article starts with the inclusion of a case study of Naramaya from Kopche, a village of Jiri valley, which reveals the status of health care and heath care facilities in Jiri. Historically, indigenous folk healers provided almost all health care in Jiri. Later in 1957, the Jiri hospital was established through the combined efforts of the government of Switzerland and Nepal. The operation of the Jiri hospital remained primarily the responsibility of the Swiss government until 1975, when it was handed over to Nepal government. The article includes a table containing the number of allocated and vacant staff positions during the panchayat and multiparty system at the Jiri hospital and leading diseases in Jiri valley. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2006-10-12)</p>
<p>The article addresses the issue of mental illness. It argues that little effort has been devoted to mental health issues in Nepal and discusses this issue by studying a sample of 221 households with 1200 residents among the Jirel ethnic group in Jiri. The article includes the tabulated data on rates of psychiatric disorders in Jiri (Nepal) and the United States. The article provides an epidemiological description of the rates of mental disorder in Jiri, Nepal, using survey-based measurements. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2006-10-12)</p>