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Stress has been demonstrated to play an important role in hair follicle function and the pathogenesis of some hair disorders. The central hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is activated by stress stimuli, synthesizes and releases various components and eventually induces the pathogenesis and recurrence of peripheral diseases. Our aim is to compare the different responses under exposure of stress in hair follicle function among different mouse strains, and to detect the involvement of the central HPA axis after stress in hair follicle growth and melanogenesis. In this study, we exposed different mouse strains (C57BL/6, CBA/J, C3H/HeN, BALB/c and ICR) to a 21-day chronic restraint stress protocol and selected C57BL/6, CBA/J and BALB/c mice for further study because of their significant behavioral alterations. Then, we evaluated and compared the different responses and sensitivity to chronic restraint stress in hair follicle function and central HPA axis among the selected strains. The results showed that expression of POMC, CRF and GR mRNA and protein and serum levels of corticosterone were inhibited in response to stress. These findings suggested that chronic restraint stress may inhibit hair follicle growth and melanogenesis via regulating the key elements of the central HPA axis. In addition, the results revealed different mouse strains exhibit different responses in the central HPA axis and hair follicle after stress exposure. C57BL/6 might be the most sensitive strain among the three strains tested as well as an appropriate strain to study possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which the nervous system influences skin function and screen dermatological drugs suitable for psychotherapy. We believe the current study will provide some useful information for researchers who are interested in the bidirectional communication between the nervous and skin systems and the management of stress-induced cutaneous diseases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Traditional Tibetan medicine (TTM) plays an important role in the health care system of China. Little is known about the current evidence of TTM's clinical research in China. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of TTM therapies conducted in China were searched in PubMed, Cochrane Library, two major Chinese electronic databases, and two Tibetan medical journals from their inception to June 2014. Qualitative analysis and reporting quality assessment were performed. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO (No: CRD42013006881). A total of 227 RCTs involving 29,179 participants were included. They were heterogeneous in terms of study size, sites, treated conditions, interventions, measured outcomes, and quality. 103 diseases or symptoms were reported in the included trials. TTM interventions used in the RCTs consisted of drug treatments and non-drug treatments including bloodletting and moxibustion, in which Tibetan patent medications for oral use were tested in 175 studies and for external use in 47 studies. 93.8% (213/227) of the trials reported superior effect of TTM over control interventions. Only 7.9% (18/227) of the trials described details of random sequence generation, 3.5% (8/227) described details of blind. Clinical research in TTM in China covers whole medical systems. Data from RCTs showed that TTM might have potential benefit for the management of many diseases. Studies on definitive health outcomes could be systematically reviewed in order to provide more information on TTM's efficacy. More efforts should be made to improve the quality of RCTs in China and support TTM's further clinical applications.