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"Zuotai" is one of the main raw material of many rare Tibetan medicine, and it plays a important role in the system of Tibetan medicine. There are some toxic heavy metals in "Zuotai", such as Hg, Au, Pb and so on. As a result, it's urgent to study the safety and effectiveness of "Zuotai" in depth. This paper will analyze and induce the resent progress of the study about "Zuotai". With constipation, "Zuotai" and "Zuotai" as key words, CNKI, CHINAINFO, CQVIP were retrieved, Springer were retrieved besides. Relevant 86 references were obtained. Twenty-two for reference were adopted through screening. The paper reviewed the resent progress of the study about "Zuotai" in chemical composition, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, toxicology and clinical application. This will establish the basis for further study.