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Sources in this subcollection

Displaying 151 - 200 of 523


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Kalidasa.  1978.  Jataka Chandrika, or, Raja Yogas and Marriage Agreement. Kadalangudi Centenary Astrological Book Series. :59.
Vivekananda S.  1937.  Jnāna-Yoga. :399.
Mukherjee R.  2016.  Karma Yoga: A Traditional Perspective. Yoga Mimamsa. 48(1/2):p37-41.
Anonymous.  1995.  Kaṭha Upaniṣad. :186.
Anonymous.  1998.  Kaṭha Upaniṣad: With the Original Text in Sanskrit and Roman Transliteration. Rediscovering Indian Literary Classics. :151.
Anonymous.  2015.  Katha Upanishad.
Karanjia R.K.  1977.  Kundalini Yoga. :108.
Sivananda S.  1971.  Kundalini Yoga. :272.
Anonymous.  1971.  Laghu-Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha. :486.
Larson G.  2013.  Materialism, Dualism, and the Philosophy of Yoga. International Journal of Hindu Studies. 17(2):p181-219.
Mason G..  1997.  Nagarjuna and Yoga: complexities in origin and tradition. Religion and Theology. 4(1):229-241.
Gautama.  1982.  Nyāya: Gautama's Nyāya-Sūtra, With Vātsyāyana's Commentary. Indian Philosophy in Its Sources. :452.
Sharma KChandra.  2006.  On the Philosophy of Yoga. Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. 2(4):18-21.
Fouce P.  Submitted.  Origins of Yoga: Quest for the Spiritual. :51minutes.


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