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Sources in this subcollection

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kapila, Ballantyne JRobert.  1885.  The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila. Trübners Oriental Series. :464.
kapila, Vijñānabhikṣu.  1881.  The Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila. Bibliotheca Indica. :175.
Anonymous.  1921.  The Sankhya Philosophy. :256.
Ishwarakrishna, Sastri S.SSuryana.  1973.  The Sāṅkhyakārikā of Īśvara Kr̥ṣṇa. Madras University Philosophical Series. :129.
Dasgupta S.  1920.  The Study of Patanjali. :207.
Anonymous.  1900.  The Upanishads.
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 4 pt 2
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 4 pt 1
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 2 pt 2
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 2 pt 1
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 1 pt 2
Shastri, Rampratap, Joshi, Rasik Vihari.  2003.  The Upāsanā-Cintāmaṇi =: Wish-Yielding Gem of Meditation. Pandit Rampratap Shastri Publications Series. 1
Bahadur K.P..  1978.  The Wisdom of Saankhya. The Wisdom of India Series. :222.
Bahadur KP.  1977.  The Wisdom of Yoga: A Study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. The Wisdom of India Series. :116.
Patañjali.  1881.  The Yoga Aphorisms of Patañjali. Bibliotheca Indica. :227.


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