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Sources in this subcollection

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Spratt S.  2012.  'To Find God in Nature': Thoreau's Poetics of Natural History. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. 1(1):155.
Roop M.  Submitted.  5 Ways to Reconnect With Nature. mindbodygreen.
Fici C.  2013.  A Journey Into the Yoga of Ecology. Union Seminary Quarterly Review. 64(4):47.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  A Plea for the Animals.
James P, Banay RF, Hart JE, Laden F.  2015.  A Review of the Health Benefits of Greenness. Current Epidemiology Reports. 2(2):131-142.
Thathong K.  2012.  A spiritual dimension and environmental education: Buddhism and environmental crisis. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences. :5063-5068.
Friesner NAaron.  2017.  A Transcendentalist Nature Religion. RELIGIONS. 8(8):0-17.
Charlton BG.  2007.  Alienation, recovered animism and altered states of consciousness. Medical Hypotheses. 68(4):727-731.
Graham J.KGibson, Roelvink G.  2010.  An Economic Ethics for the Anthropocene. Antipode. 41(s1):320-346.
Rose D.  2005.  An Indigenous Philosophical Ecology: Situating the Human. Australian Journal of Anthropology. 16(3):294-305.
Zhang JWei, Piff PK, Iyer R, Koleva S, Keltner D.  2014.  An occasion for unselfing: Beautiful nature leads to prosociality. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 37:61-72.
[Anonymous].  2016.  Art made of the air we breathe. TEDxYouth@Sydney.
Cameron J.  2009.  Avatar. :2h42min.
Stevens F.  2016.  Before the Flood. :01:36:00.


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