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Found 22084 results
Miller M, Kinane K.  Submitted.  Contemplative Writing Across the Disciplines. Across the Disciplines.
Geoffrey S.  Submitted.  Contemporary Issues in the Anthropology of Tibetan Medicine.
Boesi A.  Submitted.  Contributions to the study of Tibetan medicine.
Blaikie C, Craig S, Gerke B, Hofer T.  Submitted.  Coproducing Efficacious Medicines. Current Anthropology. 56(2):000-000.
Amor J.  Submitted.  Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Radio ST.  Submitted.  Cosmic Queries - Climate Change.
Narby J..  Submitted.  The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Could mindfulness prevent major depression? Medical News Today.
Kelly K.  Submitted.  CTZNpodcast w/ kerri kelly.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  CU - Compassion Science - Research Brief_PUBLISH-ARCHIVE-(do not edit). Google Docs.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  CU - Compassion Science - Research Brief_PUBLISH-ARCHIVE-(do not edit) - Google Docs.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  CU Curated Guide - Emotional Intelligence - Google Docs.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  CU - Terms Sheet (1). Google Docs.
Ryan G.  Submitted.  Cultivating Mindfulness Through Anxiety.
Woods-GiscombĂ© C.L, Gaylord S.A.  Submitted.  The Cultural Relevance of Mindfulness Meditation as a Health Intervention for African Americans Implications for Reducing Stress-Related Health Disparities. Journal of Holistic Nursing. :2014.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Curing Depression with Mindfulness Meditation. Psychology Today.
Lama TDalai.  Submitted.  The Dalai Lama on the Environment.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  Daniil Nikolaevich Olennikov.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  A decade of theory of mind research on cayo santiago: Insights into rhesus macaque social cognition - Drayton - 2016 - American Journal of Primatology - Wiley Online Library.
Larsson R.  Submitted.  Decentering in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy – recentering in Kierkegaard. :28.
YaleUniversity.  Submitted.  Decentering the Human? Gaia, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values
Mulcahy T.  Submitted.  The Deep Contemplation of Nature. Catholic Strength.
Society TCenter for.  Submitted.  Deep Listening. Contemplative Mind.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  Defining and Measuring Human Well-Being | SpringerLink.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  Definition and Three Elements of Self Compassion | Kristin Neff. Self-Compassion.


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