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Filters: Author is Kamal P. Malla  [Clear All Filters]
Sharma PRaj, Malla KP.  1996.  In Memory: Dhanavajra Vajracharya. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 23(1):<i>i-v</i>.
Malla KP.  1996.  The Profane Names of the Sacred Hillocks. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 23(1):1-9.
Malla KP.  1992.  The Nepāla-Mahātmya: A IX-Century Text or a Pious Fraud? Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 19(1):145-157.
Malla KP.  1990.  The Earliest Dated Document in Newari: The Palmleaf from Ukū Bāhāh NS 235/AD 1114. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 16(1-2):15-26.
Malla KP.  1985.  Epigraphy and Society in Ancient Nepal. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 13(1):57-94.
Malla KP.  1985.  Nepālavaṃśāvalī: A Complete Version of the Kaisher Vaṃśāvalī. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 12(2):75-102.
Malla KP.  1985.  Review of Luciano Petech, Mediaeval History of Nepal. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 12(2):121-136.
Malla KP.  1983.  Review of Mary Shepherd Slusser, Nepal Mandala: A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 11(1):125-133.
Malla KP.  1982.  River-names of the Nepal Valley: A Study in Cultural Annexation. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 10(1-2):57-68.
Malla KP.  1981.  Linguistic Archaeology of the Nepal Valley: A Preliminary Report. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 8(1-2):5-23.