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Review of A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State, Melvyn C. Goldstein. Indo-Iranian Journal. 36:269-272.
1993. Two Mongol Xylographs (Hor Par Ma) of the Tibetan Text of Sa skya Paṇḍita's Work on Buddhist Logic and Epistemology. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 16(2):279-298.
1993. Dating the Two Lde'u Chronicles of Buddhism in India and Tibet. Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques. 46(1):468-491.
1992. A Recent Contribution on the History of the Tibetan Empire. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 111(1):94-107.
1991. .
Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge. The Journal of the Tibet Society. 8:1-20.
1988. An Early Tibetan View of the Soteriology of Buddhist Epistemology: The Case of 'Bri-gung 'Jig-rten mgon-po. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 15(1):57-70.
1987. The Monastery of Gsang-phu ne'u-thog and Its Abbatial Succession from ca. 1073 to 1250. Berliner Indologishe Studien. 3:101-127.
1987. The Monastery of Gsang-phu ne'u-thog and Its Abbatial Succession from ca. 1073 to 1250. Berliner indologische Studien. 3:103-127.
1987. Bhāmaha in Tibet. Indo-Iranian Journal. 29(1):31-39.
1986. Ldong-ston Shes-rab-dpal and a Version of the Tshad-ma rigs-pa'i-gter in Thirteen Chapters. Berliner Indologishe Studien. 2:51-64.
1986. Sa-skya Paṇḍita Kun-dga' rgyal-mtshan on the Typology of Literary Genres. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. 11(12):41-53.
1986. On the Sources for Sa skya Paṇḍita's Notes on the Bsam yas Debate. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 9(2):147-153.
1986. Studies in the Life and Thought of Mkhas-grub-rje IV: Mkhas-grub-rje on Regionalisms and Dialects. Berliner Indologishe Studien. 2:23-49.
1986. On the Authorship of the Gzhung-lugs legs-par bshad-pa Attributed to Sa-skya Paṇḍita. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. 7:75-86.
1985. Miscellanea Apropos of the Philosophy of Mind in Tibet: Mind in Tibetan Buddhism [review]. The Tibet Journal. 10(1):32-43.
1985. Notes on the Transmission of Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvali in Tibet. The Tibet Journal. 10(2):3-19.
1985. Review of Dag-yig ngag-sgron-gyi rtsa-ba dang de'i 'grel-pa, Dpal-khang Lo-tsāba/Bstan-'dzin rgyal-mtshan. Indo-Iranian Journal. 28:214-218.
1985. Review of Mi-dbang rtogs-brjod by Mdo-mkhar Tshe-ring, Zhuang Jing, ed.. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 105(2):321-322.
1985. Review of Snyan-ngag me-long-gi spyi-don sdeb-legs rig-pa'i 'char-sgo, Tshe-tan Zhabs-drung 'Jigs-med rigs-pa'i blo-gros. Indo-Iranian Journal. 28:212-214.
1985. Some Recently Recovered Sa-skya-pa Texts: A Preliminary Report. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. 7:87-94.
1985. Studies in the Life and Thought of Mkhas-grub-rje I: Mkhas-grub-rje's Epistemological Oeuvre and His Philological Remarks on Dignāga's Pramāṇasamuccaya I. Berliner Indologishe Studien. 1:74-105.
1985. A Text-Historical Note on Hevajratantra II:v:1-2. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 8(1):83-89.
1985. Marginalia to Sa-skya Paṇḍita's Oeuvre. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 7(1):37-55.
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