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Miscellanea to a Recent Contribution on/to the Bsam-yas Debate. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 11(3-4):149-184.
1984. Miscellanea to a Recent Contribution on/to the Bsam-yas Debate. Kailash. 9(3-4):149-175.
1984. Contributions to the development of Tibetan Buddhist epistemology: from the eleventh to the thirteenth century. Alt- und Neu-indische Studien. 26
1983. On the Interpretation of Kāvyādarṣa II:274. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. 8-9:69-76.
1982. Tibetan Contributions to the 'Apoha' Theory: The Fourth Chapter of the Tshad-ma rigs-pa'i Gter. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 99(3):408-422.
1979. Phya-pa Chos-kyi seng-ge's Impact on Tibetan Epistemological Theory. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 5:355-369.
1978. Phya-pa chos-kyi seng-ge's Impact on Tibetan Epistemological Theory. Tibetan Studies: Presented at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Zurich, June 26-July 1, 1977. :163-178.
1978. An Index to a Tibeto-Mongolian Materia Medica. The Canada-Mongolia Review. 1(2):15-46.
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