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Computational Grounded Cognition: a new alliance between grounded cognition and computational modeling. Frontiers in Psychology. 3:612.
2012. Integrating Bayesian analysis and mechanistic theories in grounded cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 34(04):191-192.
2011. Grounded Cognition. Annual Review of Psychology. 59(1):617-645.
2008. The situated nature of concepts. The American Journal of Psychology. 119(3):349-384.
2006. Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-specific systems. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 7(2)
2003. Role of mental imagery in a property verification task: fMRI evidence for perceptual representations of conceptual knowledge. Cognitive Neuropsychology. :525–540.
2003. The similarity-in-topography principle: reconciling theories of conceptual deficits. Cognitive Neuropsychology. :451–486.
2003. Perceptual symbol systems. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 22(04):577-660.
1999. .
1998. .
The Instantiation Principle in Natural Categories. Memory. 4:413–451.
1996. Ideals, central tendency, and frequency of instantiation as determinants of graded structure in categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. :629–654.
1985. Ad hoc categories. Memory & Cognition. 11(3):211-227.
0. Assessing the Causal Structure of Function. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 133(4):601-625.
0. Categorization in the wild. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 12(4):129-135.
0. Cognition as coordinated non-cognition. Cognitive Processing. 8(2):79-91.
0. Cognitive and Neural Contributions to Understanding the Conceptual System. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 17(2):91-95.
0. A common neural substrate for perceiving and knowing about color. Neuropsychologia. 45(12):2802-2810.
0. Context-independent and context-dependent information in concepts. Memory & Cognition. 10(1):82-93.
0. Contextual processing of abstract concepts reveals neural representations of nonlinguistic semantic content. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(6):920-935.
0. Continuity of the conceptual system across species. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 9(7):309-311.
0. Continuity of the conceptual system across species. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 9(7):309-311.
0. Discrimination Nets as Psychological Models*. Cognitive Science. 8(1):1-26.
0. Effects of Meditation Experience on Functional Connectivity of Distributed Brain Networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6(38)
0. Effects of Meditation Experience on Functional Connectivity of Distributed Brain Networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6
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