Explore Higher Education and Contemplation Sources:Higher Education and Contemplation Higher Education and ContemplationThis category has 100 sources. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Haynes DJ. 2011. Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion. :223-226. Bush M. 2011. Mindfulness in higher education. Contemporary Buddhism. 12(1):183-197. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Compson J. 2011. A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching. :203-207. Shapiro SL, Brown KWarren, Astin JA. 2011. Toward the Integration of Meditation into Higher Education: A Review of Research Evidence. Teachers College Record. 113(3):493-528. Tloczynski J, Tantriella M. 1998. A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient. 41(1):32-43. Codiga DA. 2002. Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:109. Holland D. 2006. Contemplative Education in Unexpected Places: Teaching Mindfulness in Arkansas and Austria. Teachers College Record. 108(9):1842-1861. Oman D, Shapiro SL, Thoresen CE, Plante TG, Flinders T. 2008. Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health. 56(5):569-578. Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Brainard GC, Hojat M. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Lowers Psychological Distress In Medical Students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 15(2):88-92. Peppet SR. 2002. Can Saints Negotiate - A Brief Introduction to the Problems of Perfect Ethics in Bargaining. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:83. Pages Page of 10
Higher Education and ContemplationThis category has 100 sources. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Haynes DJ. 2011. Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion. :223-226. Bush M. 2011. Mindfulness in higher education. Contemporary Buddhism. 12(1):183-197. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Compson J. 2011. A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching. :203-207. Shapiro SL, Brown KWarren, Astin JA. 2011. Toward the Integration of Meditation into Higher Education: A Review of Research Evidence. Teachers College Record. 113(3):493-528. Tloczynski J, Tantriella M. 1998. A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient. 41(1):32-43. Codiga DA. 2002. Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:109. Holland D. 2006. Contemplative Education in Unexpected Places: Teaching Mindfulness in Arkansas and Austria. Teachers College Record. 108(9):1842-1861. Oman D, Shapiro SL, Thoresen CE, Plante TG, Flinders T. 2008. Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health. 56(5):569-578. Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Brainard GC, Hojat M. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Lowers Psychological Distress In Medical Students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 15(2):88-92. Peppet SR. 2002. Can Saints Negotiate - A Brief Introduction to the Problems of Perfect Ethics in Bargaining. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:83. Pages Page of 10