Explore Insight (vipashyana, lhaktong) Sources:Insight (vipashyana, lhaktong) Insight (vipashyana, lhaktong)This category has 17 sources. Emavardhana T, Tori CD. 0. Changes in Self-Concept, Ego Defense Mechanisms, and Religiosity Following Seven-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 36(2):194-206. Easterlin BL, CardeƱa E. 0. Cognitive and Emotional Differences Between Short- and Long-Term Vipassana Meditators. Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 18(1):69-81. Hung Y-C. 2011. Issues in samatha and vipasyana: A comparative study of Buddhist meditation. :248. Pitsch JP. 2009. Reports of group differences in narcissism within the practice of Buddhist Satipatthana Vipassana meditation: Experiences of self-centeredness, grandiosity, the need for mirroring/admiration, and emptiness. :336. Slagter HA, Lutz A, Greischar LL, Francis AD, Nieuwenhuis S, Davis JM, Davidson RJ. 0. Mental Training Affects Distribution of Limited Brain Resources. PLoS Biol. 5(6):e138. Kornfield J. 0. Meditation for Beginners. :106. Chiesa A. 0. Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(1):37-46. Hetherington I. 0. Realizing Change: Vipassana Meditation in Action. :252. Rosenberg L, Guy D. 0. Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. :240. Perelman AM, Miller SL, Clements CB, Rodriguez A, Allen K, Cavanaugh R. 0. Meditation in a Deep South Prison: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Vipassana. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 51(3):176-198. Pages Page of 2
Insight (vipashyana, lhaktong)This category has 17 sources. Emavardhana T, Tori CD. 0. Changes in Self-Concept, Ego Defense Mechanisms, and Religiosity Following Seven-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 36(2):194-206. Easterlin BL, CardeƱa E. 0. Cognitive and Emotional Differences Between Short- and Long-Term Vipassana Meditators. Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 18(1):69-81. Hung Y-C. 2011. Issues in samatha and vipasyana: A comparative study of Buddhist meditation. :248. Pitsch JP. 2009. Reports of group differences in narcissism within the practice of Buddhist Satipatthana Vipassana meditation: Experiences of self-centeredness, grandiosity, the need for mirroring/admiration, and emptiness. :336. Slagter HA, Lutz A, Greischar LL, Francis AD, Nieuwenhuis S, Davis JM, Davidson RJ. 0. Mental Training Affects Distribution of Limited Brain Resources. PLoS Biol. 5(6):e138. Kornfield J. 0. Meditation for Beginners. :106. Chiesa A. 0. Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(1):37-46. Hetherington I. 0. Realizing Change: Vipassana Meditation in Action. :252. Rosenberg L, Guy D. 0. Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. :240. Perelman AM, Miller SL, Clements CB, Rodriguez A, Allen K, Cavanaugh R. 0. Meditation in a Deep South Prison: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Vipassana. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 51(3):176-198. Pages Page of 2