Explore Lectio Divina Sources:Lectio Divina Lectio DivinaThis category has 5 sources. Benner DG. 0. Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer. :182. Robertson D. 0. Lectio divina : the medieval experience of reading /. Bianchi E. 0. Praying the Word : an introduction to Lectio divina /. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Utterback KT. 2011. Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality. :171-175. Bourgeault C. 2008. The wisdom Jesus: transforming heart and mind : a new perspective on Christ and his message.
Lectio DivinaThis category has 5 sources. Benner DG. 0. Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer. :182. Robertson D. 0. Lectio divina : the medieval experience of reading /. Bianchi E. 0. Praying the Word : an introduction to Lectio divina /. Simmer-Brown J, Grace F, Utterback KT. 2011. Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality. :171-175. Bourgeault C. 2008. The wisdom Jesus: transforming heart and mind : a new perspective on Christ and his message.