Explore Neuroscience and Contemplation Sources:Neuroscience and Contemplation Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Lee TMC, Leung M-K, Hou W-K, Tang JCY, Yin J, So K-F, Lee C-F, Chan CCH, Ben Hamed S. 0. Distinct Neural Activity Associated with Focused-Attention Meditation and Loving-Kindness Meditation. PLoS ONE. 7(8):e40054. Perlman DM, Salomons TV, Davidson RJ, Lutz A. 2010. Differential effects on pain intensity and unpleasantness of two meditation practices.. Emotion. 10(1):65-71. Chiesa A., Serretti A.. 2010. A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations. Psychological Medicine. 40(08):1239-1252. Davidson RJ. 2000. Affective style, psychopathology, and resilience: Brain mechanisms and plasticity.. American Psychologist. 55(11):1196-1214. Garfield JL. 2011. Ask not what Buddhism can do for cognitive science; Ask what cognitive science can do for Buddhism. Bulletin of Tibetology. 47(1 & 2):15-30. Lutz A., Dunne J.D, Davidson R.J. 2007. Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness: An introduction. :499–551. Cuthbert B, al et. 1981. Strategies of arousal control: Biofeedback, meditation, and motivation.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 110(4):518-546. Kabat-Zinn J. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Context: Past, Present, and Future. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 10(2):144–156. C. Simpkins A, Simpkins AM. 2010. The Dao of neuroscience: combining Eastern and Western principles for optimal therapeutic change. :278. Hall SS. 2010. Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience. :333. Pages Page of 20
Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Lee TMC, Leung M-K, Hou W-K, Tang JCY, Yin J, So K-F, Lee C-F, Chan CCH, Ben Hamed S. 0. Distinct Neural Activity Associated with Focused-Attention Meditation and Loving-Kindness Meditation. PLoS ONE. 7(8):e40054. Perlman DM, Salomons TV, Davidson RJ, Lutz A. 2010. Differential effects on pain intensity and unpleasantness of two meditation practices.. Emotion. 10(1):65-71. Chiesa A., Serretti A.. 2010. A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations. Psychological Medicine. 40(08):1239-1252. Davidson RJ. 2000. Affective style, psychopathology, and resilience: Brain mechanisms and plasticity.. American Psychologist. 55(11):1196-1214. Garfield JL. 2011. Ask not what Buddhism can do for cognitive science; Ask what cognitive science can do for Buddhism. Bulletin of Tibetology. 47(1 & 2):15-30. Lutz A., Dunne J.D, Davidson R.J. 2007. Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness: An introduction. :499–551. Cuthbert B, al et. 1981. Strategies of arousal control: Biofeedback, meditation, and motivation.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 110(4):518-546. Kabat-Zinn J. 2003. Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Context: Past, Present, and Future. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 10(2):144–156. C. Simpkins A, Simpkins AM. 2010. The Dao of neuroscience: combining Eastern and Western principles for optimal therapeutic change. :278. Hall SS. 2010. Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience. :333. Pages Page of 20