Explore Psychology and Contemplation Sources:Psychology and Contemplation Psychology and ContemplationThis category has 249 sources. Jha AP, Krompinger J, Baime MJ. 0. Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 7(2):109-119. Levine PH. 0. Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence. The Phi Delta Kappan. 54(4):5;231-235. Pigni A. 0. A First-Person Account of Using Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Tool in the Palestinian Territories. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):152-156. Reddy SD, Negi LTenzin, Dodson-Lavelle B, de Silva BOzawa-, Pace TWW, Cole SP, Raison CL, Craighead LW. 0. Cognitive-Based Compassion Training: A Promising Prevention Strategy for At-Risk Adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 22(2):219-230. Semple RJ, Reid EFG, Miller L. 2005. Treating Anxiety With Mindfulness: An Open Trial of Mindfulness Training for Anxious Children. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 19(4):379-392. Broderick P. 2005. Mindfulness and Coping with Dysphoric Mood: Contrasts with Rumination and Distraction. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 29(5):501-510. Hamilton NA, Kitzman H, Guyotte S. 2006. Enhancing Health and Emotion: Mindfulness as a Missing Link Between Cognitive Therapy and Positive Psychology. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 20(2):123-134. Baer RA. 2006. Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches: Clinician's Guide to Evidence Base and Applications. :451. Shapiro SL, Carlson LE, Astin JA, Freedman B. 2006. Mechanisms of mindfulness. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 62(3):373–386. Shapiro SL, Walsh R. 2003. An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions. The Humanistic Psychologist. 31(2-3):86-114. Pages Page of 25
Psychology and ContemplationThis category has 249 sources. Jha AP, Krompinger J, Baime MJ. 0. Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 7(2):109-119. Levine PH. 0. Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence. The Phi Delta Kappan. 54(4):5;231-235. Pigni A. 0. A First-Person Account of Using Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Tool in the Palestinian Territories. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):152-156. Reddy SD, Negi LTenzin, Dodson-Lavelle B, de Silva BOzawa-, Pace TWW, Cole SP, Raison CL, Craighead LW. 0. Cognitive-Based Compassion Training: A Promising Prevention Strategy for At-Risk Adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 22(2):219-230. Semple RJ, Reid EFG, Miller L. 2005. Treating Anxiety With Mindfulness: An Open Trial of Mindfulness Training for Anxious Children. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 19(4):379-392. Broderick P. 2005. Mindfulness and Coping with Dysphoric Mood: Contrasts with Rumination and Distraction. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 29(5):501-510. Hamilton NA, Kitzman H, Guyotte S. 2006. Enhancing Health and Emotion: Mindfulness as a Missing Link Between Cognitive Therapy and Positive Psychology. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 20(2):123-134. Baer RA. 2006. Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches: Clinician's Guide to Evidence Base and Applications. :451. Shapiro SL, Carlson LE, Astin JA, Freedman B. 2006. Mechanisms of mindfulness. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 62(3):373–386. Shapiro SL, Walsh R. 2003. An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions. The Humanistic Psychologist. 31(2-3):86-114. Pages Page of 25