Explore Sources: Steinkellner E. 2007. Sufism: The Formative Period. :217. Snellgrove D. 2011. The spirituality of Shi'i Islam : beliefs and practices /. Stott D. 2008. By noon prayer : the rhythm of Islam /. Wayman FLessing an. 1961. Muslim devotions; a study of prayer-manuals in common use.. Crocker RL. 1970. Alive to God: Muslim and Christian prayer;. Schaya L, Renard J. 2008. Modern and global Ayurveda: pluralism and paradigms. :349. Kohn SChödzin. 1991. al-Tafakkur : min al-mushāhadah ilá al-shuhūd : dirāsah nafsīyah Islāmīyah /. Muller CA. 1995. Beyond faith and infidelity : the Sufi poetry and teachings of Mahmud Shabistari /. Srivastava M. 2012. Sufi Meditation and Contemplation. :225. W. Curtis J. 2005. Contemporary Landscapes of Contemplation. :236. Pages Page of 2215
Steinkellner E. 2007. Sufism: The Formative Period. :217. Snellgrove D. 2011. The spirituality of Shi'i Islam : beliefs and practices /. Stott D. 2008. By noon prayer : the rhythm of Islam /. Wayman FLessing an. 1961. Muslim devotions; a study of prayer-manuals in common use.. Crocker RL. 1970. Alive to God: Muslim and Christian prayer;. Schaya L, Renard J. 2008. Modern and global Ayurveda: pluralism and paradigms. :349. Kohn SChödzin. 1991. al-Tafakkur : min al-mushāhadah ilá al-shuhūd : dirāsah nafsīyah Islāmīyah /. Muller CA. 1995. Beyond faith and infidelity : the Sufi poetry and teachings of Mahmud Shabistari /. Srivastava M. 2012. Sufi Meditation and Contemplation. :225. W. Curtis J. 2005. Contemporary Landscapes of Contemplation. :236. Pages Page of 2215