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Mindfulness for Anxiety
Format: Audiovisual
Publication Date: 2017/12/06/
Sources ID: 53136
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Our aim is to help people overcome anxiety through a variety of mindfulness methods. Anxiety can be an incredibly distressing thing to live with and we believe that the practice of mindfulness is the most effective way to help people overcome the great internal and external challenges that it brings.We have spent many years deeply studying the mechanics of the mind and have learnt how to bring real transformation to peoples lives. Through a variety of means we will teach you how to heal from the distress of anxiety so that you can finally live a life filled with peace, happiness and contentment. Chris holds a Masters degree in Interdisciplinary Psychology with Mindfulness Based Approaches and specialises in blending deep Western psychological knowledge with powerful Eastern practices of meditation and mindfulness to bring real healing to the wounded aspects of our psyches. SiƓn has been practicing mindfulness meditation for 9 years and is a Certified 200 Hour Hatha Yoga and Meditation Teacher. He has undergone years of training in both yoga and mindfulness, namely in India, Spain, Portugal and Germany. With skill and experience Sion is here to guide you on your journey to finding equilibrium, peace and happiness.