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Displaying 51 - 100 of 447


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Schneiderman JS.  2012.  Awake in the Anthropocene. Contemporary Buddhism. 13(1):83-97.
Domanska E.  2010.  Beyond anthropocentrism in historical studies. Historein. 10:118-130.
Bell AC, Russell CL.  2000.  Beyond Human, beyond Words: Anthropocentrism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Poststructuralist Turn. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation. 25(3):188-203.
Taylor A.  2017.  Beyond stewardship: common world pedagogies for the Anthropocene. Environmental Education Research. 23(10):1448-1461.
Olson V, Messeri L.  2015.  Beyond the Anthropocene: Un-Earthing an Epoch. Environment and Society. 6(1):28-47.
Cavanagh CJ.  2014.  Biopolitics, Environmental Change, and Development Studies. Forum for Development Studies. 41(2):273-294.
Kucera S.  2016.  Breath of Life. :01:22:00.
Ramp D.  2013.  Bringing Compassion to the Ethical Dilemma in Killing Kangaroos for Conservation. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 10(2):267-272.
Hamilton C.  2014.  Can humans survive the Anthropocene. Sydney's Writing Festival.
Orlowski J.  2017.  Chasing Coral. :01:29:00.
Ruddiman WF.  2001.  Climate Change in the Next 100 to 1000 Years. Earth's Climate: Past and Future. :423-441.
Nash MP.  2010.  Climate Refugees. :01:23:00.
Fawcett L, Johnson M.  2019.  Coexisting Entities in Multispecies Worlds: Arts-Based Methodologies for Decolonial Pedagogies. Animals in Environmental Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum and Pedagogy. :175-193.
Povilitis T.  2016.  Compassionate Conservation for Yellowstone's Wolves. Natural Areas Journal. 36(3):334-339.
Caro T, Darwin J, Forrester T, Ledoux‐Bloom C, Wells C.  2012.  Conservation in the Anthropocene. Conservation Biology. 26(1):185-188.
Duhn I.  2017.  Cosmopolitics of Place: Towards Urban Multispecies Living in Precarious Times. Reimagining Sustainability in Precarious Times. :45-57.
Mikulak M.  2007.  Cross-Pollinating Marxism and Deep Ecology: Towards a Post-Humanist Eco-Humanism. Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice. 10:1-25.


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