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Nichols WJ.  2017.  Blue Mind.
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Rabb G, Ogorzalek K.  Submitted.  Caring to Unify the Future of Conservation. Minding Nature. 11(1)
Corkery L.  2004.  Community Gardens as a Platform for Education for Sustainability. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. 20(1):69-75.
Tam K-P.  2013.  Concepts and measures related to connection to nature: Similarities and differences. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 34:64-78.
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Rosa EA.  1997.  Cross-National Trends in Fossil Fuel Consumption, Societal Well-Being, and Carbon Releases. Environmentally Significant Consumption: Research Directions.
Clark DA.  2014.  Defining and Measuring Human Well-Being. Global Environmental Change. :833-855.
Tam K-P.  2013.  Dispositional empathy with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 35:92-104.
Price-Mithcell M.  2014.  Does Nature Make Us Happy? Psychology Today.
Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Delany RM.  2013.  Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disease. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 19(2):102-110.


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