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Sources in this subcollection

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Stacey E.  2009.  A Passion for Sustainability. :56:40.
James P, Banay RF, Hart JE, Laden F.  2015.  A Review of the Health Benefits of Greenness. Current Epidemiology Reports. 2(2):131-142.
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Jennings V, Larson L, Yun J.  2016.  Advancing Sustainability through Urban Green Space: Cultural Ecosystem Services, Equity, and Social Determinants of Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(2):196.
Lambin E.  Submitted.  An Ecology of Happiness.
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Zhang JWei, Piff PK, Iyer R, Koleva S, Keltner D.  2014.  An occasion for unselfing: Beautiful nature leads to prosociality. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 37:61-72.
Beraza S.  2010.  Bag It. :78:22.
Varela TReyes.  2017.  Beyond Food. :1:30.
Diener E, Seligman MEP.  2004.  Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 5(1):1-31.
Frumkin H..  2001.  Beyond toxicity: human health and the natural environment. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 20(3):234-240.
Clowney D.  2013.  Biophilia as an Environmental Virtue. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics. 26(5):999-1014.


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