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Shackman AJ, Maxwell JS, Greischar LL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Identifying robust and sensitive frequency bands for interrogating neural oscillations. NeuroImage. 51(4):1319-1333.
van Reekum CM, Urry HL, Johnstone T, Thurow ME, Frye CJ, Jackson CA, Schaefer HS, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Individual differences in amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity are associated with evaluation speed and psychological well-being. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19(2):237-248.
Urry HL, van Reekum CM, Johnstone T, Davidson RJ.  0.  Individual differences in some (but not all) medial prefrontal regions reflect cognitive demand while regulating unpleasant emotion. NeuroImage. 47(3):852-863.
Salomons TV, Johnstone T, Backonja M-M, Shackman AJ, Davidson RJ.  0.  Individual differences in the effects of perceived controllability on pain perception: critical role of the prefrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19(6):993-1003.
Davidson RJ, Schwartz GE.  0.  The Influence of Musical Training on Patterns of EEG Asymmetry During Musical and Non-Musical Self-Generation Tasks. Psychophysiology. 14(1):58-63.
Oakes TR, Fox AS, Johnstone T, Chung MK, Kalin N, Davidson RJ.  0.  Integrating VBM into the General Linear Model with voxelwise anatomical covariates. NeuroImage. 34(2):500-508.
Shackman AJ, Salomons TV, Slagter HA, Fox AS, Davidson RJ.  0.  The Integration of Negative Affect, Pain, and Cognitive Control in the Cingulate Cortex. Nature reviews. Neuroscience. 12(3):154-167.
Khalsa SS, Rudrauf D, Damasio AR, Davidson RJ, Lutz A, Tranel D.  0.  Interoceptive awareness in experienced meditators. Psychophysiology. 45(4):671-677.
Khalsa SS, Rudrauf D, Damasio AR, Davidson RJ, Lutz A, Tranel D.  0.  Interoceptive awareness in experienced meditators. Psychophysiology. 45(4):671-677.
Davidson RJ, Horowitz ME, Schwartz GE, Goodman DM.  0.  Lateral Differences in the Latency Between Finger Tapping and the Heart Beat. Psychophysiology. 18(1):36-41.
Coan JA, Schaefer HS, Davidson RJ.  0.  Lending a hand: social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychological Science. 17(12):1032-1039.
Chung MK, Dalton KM, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Less white matter concentration in autism: 2D voxel-based morphometry. NeuroImage. 23(1):242-251.
Zhang C, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Local tests for identifying anisotropic diffusion areas in human brain with DTI. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 7(1):201-225.
Lutz A, Greischar LL, Rawlings NB, Ricard M, Davidson RJ, Singer BH.  0.  Long-Term Meditators Self-Induce High-Amplitude Gamma Synchrony during Mental Practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(46):16369-16373.
Lutz A, Greischar LL, Rawlings NB, Ricard M, Davidson RJ.  0.  Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(46):16369-16373.
Slagter HA, Fox AS, Davidson RJ.  0.  Love to win or hate to Lose? Asymmetry of dopamine D2 receptor binding predicts sensitivity to reward versus punishment Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26(5):1039-1048.
Urry HL, Nitschke JB, Dolski I, Jackson DC, Dalton KM, Mueller CJ, Rosenkranz MA, Ryff CD, Singer BH, Davidson RJ.  0.  Making a life worth living: neural correlates of well-being. Psychological Science. 15(6):367-372.
Davidson RJ, Alexander AL.  0.  Max Margin General Linear Modeling for Neuroimage Analyses. Proceedings / sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis. 2012
Slagter HA, Davidson RJ, Lutz A.  0.  Mental Training as a Tool in the Neuroscientific Study of Brain and Cognitive Plasticity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 5
Lutz A, Slagter HA, Rawlings NB, Francis AD, Greischar LL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Mental Training Enhances Attentional Stability: Neural and Behavioral Evidence. The Journal of Neuroscience. 29(42):13418-13427.
Lutz A, Slagter HA, Rawlings NB, Francis AD, Greischar LL, Davidson RJ.  0.  Mental training enhances attentional stability: neural and behavioral evidence. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 29(42):13418-13427.
Flook L, Pinger L, Bonus K, Davidson RJ.  0.  Mindfulness for teachers: A pilot study to assess effects on stress, burnout and teaching efficacy. Mind, brain and education : the official journal of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society. 7(3)
Schaefer SM, Jackson DC, Davidson RJ, Aguirre GK, Kimberg DY, Thompson-Schill SL.  0.  Modulation of amygdalar activity by the conscious regulation of negative emotion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 14(6):913-921.
Johnstone T, Walsh KSOres, Greischar LL, Alexander AL, Fox AS, Davidson RJ, Oakes TR.  0.  Motion correction and the use of motion covariates in multiple-subject fMRI analysis. Human Brain Mapping. 27(10):779-788.
Chung MK, Shen L, Dalton KM, Davidson RJ.  0.  Multi-scale Voxel-based Morphometry via Weighted Spherical Harmonic Representation.


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