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Sources in this collection

The list below includes sources from this Collection’s Subcollections.

Displaying 4401 - 4450 of 4669


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Mishra M.  2002.  Trafficking of Women in South Asia: A Sketch. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 29(1):129-141.
Castillo R.J.  2003.  Trance, functional psychosis, and culture. Psychiatry. 66(1):38251.
Dockett KH, North-Schulte D, Marsella AJ.  2003.  Transcending self and other : Mahayana principles of integration. Psychology and Buddhism : From individual to global community. :215-238.
Hachhethu K.  1994.  Transition to Democracy in Nepal: Negotiations behind Constitution Making, 1990. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 21(1):91-126.
Subedi A.  2002.  Travel as Theatre in Nepal Mandala. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 29(1):173-183.
Banerjee B.  1997.  Trends in the Development of Buddhism. Bulletin of Tibetology. (2):14-18.
Chokhorling OKunsang.  1978.  Trente Conseils Donnés du Coeur par Gyalwa Longchenpa. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 6(2):115-125.
Liu M., Boireau P..  2002.  Trichinellosis in China: Epidemiology and Control. Trends In Parasitology. 18(12):553-556.
Jackson R.  2006.  Triumphalism and Ecumenism in Thu'u bkwan's Crystal Mirror. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies. (2)
Mullin GH.  1986.  Tse-Chok-Ling's Biography of the Third Dalai Lama. The Tibet Journal. 11(3):23-39.
Tsarong P.  1998.  Tseja: Structure and Economy of a Tibetan State Treasury. The Tibet Journal. 23(3):23-33.
Yoshimizu C, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Tsoṅ kha pa on don byed nus pa. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :1102-1120.
Moriyama S, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Tsoṅ kha pa's Analysis of Self-Cognition (svasaṃvedana) and Mādhyamika Philosophy. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :639-645.
Thurman RAF.  1985.  Tsoṅ-kha-pa's Integration of Sūtra and Tantra. Soundings in Tibetan Civilization: Proceedings of the 1982 Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies Held at Columbia University. :372-382.
Tillemans TJF.  1992.  Tsong kha pa et al. on the Bhāvaviveka-Candrakīrti Debate. Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989. 1:315-326.
Gonta SGyaltsen.  1992.  Tsong kha pa’s View on the Theory of Ekayāna. Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989. 1:59-66.
Williams PM.  1980.  Tsong-kha-pa on kun-rdzob bden-pa. Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 1979. :325-334.
Mansfield V.  1990.  Tsongkhapa's Bell, Bell's Inequality and Madhyamika Emptiness. The Tibet Journal. 15(1):42-66.
Bhatia S., Dranyi T., Rowley D..  2002.  Tuberculosis Among Tibetan Refugees in India. Social Science and Medicine. 54(3):423-432.
Bum P.  1994.  Tun hong yig rnying gi mgur la dpyod pa'i sngon 'gro/. Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes, 1992. 2:640-648.
Tashi T.  2008.  Twentieth Century Tibetan Painting. Tibetan Modernities: Notes from the Field on Cultural and Social Change. PIATS 2003: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Volume 11.. 11:251-266.
Somlai IVictor.  1982.  Two 12-Year Festivals in the Thaak Khola. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 9(2-3):159-176.
Walsh R..  1988.  Two Asian psychologies and their implications for Western psychotherapists. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 42(4):543-560.
van der Kuijp LWJ.  1988.  Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge. The Journal of the Tibet Society. 8:1-20.
Gibson T.  1998.  Two Figures in the Early Great Perfection. The Tibet Journal. 23(4):72-91.
Manandhar T.  1975.  Two Letters from Ranga Nath Pandit to B. H. Hobson. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies. 3(1):77-82.
Mimaki K, Ihara S.  1992.  Two Minor Works Ascribed to dBus pa blo gsal. Tibetan studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989. 2:591-598.
van der Kuijp LWJ.  1993.  Two Mongol Xylographs (Hor Par Ma) of the Tibetan Text of Sa skya Paṇḍita's Work on Buddhist Logic and Epistemology. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 16(2):279-298.
Kölver B.  1993.  Two Notes on Malla Currencies. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. 20(1):53-59.
Beckwith CI, Blezer H, McKay A, Ramble C.  2002.  Two Pyu-Tibetan Isoglosses. Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages. PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000.. :27-38.
Lerner L.  1983.  Two Tibetan Ritual Dances: A Comparative Study. The Tibet Journal. 8(4):50-57.


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