Explore Classical Buddhist Contemplation Practices Sources:Classical Buddhist Contemplation Practices Classical Buddhist Contemplation PracticesThis category has 36 sources. Tsering GTashi. 0. The Awakening Mind: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought. :192. Kraus S, Sears S. 0. Measuring the Immeasurables: Development and Initial Validation of the Self-Other Four Immeasurables (SOFI) Scale Based on Buddhist Teachings on Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity. Social Indicators Research. 92(1):169-181. Kornfield J. 0. Meditation for Beginners. :106. Chiesa A. 0. Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(1):37-46. Hetherington I. 0. Realizing Change: Vipassana Meditation in Action. :252. Rosenberg L, Guy D. 0. Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. :240. Perelman AM, Miller SL, Clements CB, Rodriguez A, Allen K, Cavanaugh R. 0. Meditation in a Deep South Prison: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Vipassana. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 51(3):176-198. Goldstein J. 0. Insight Meditation. :203. Lopez DS, Germano D. 1997. Dying, Death, and Other Opportunities. :458-493. Mullin GH. 1998. Living in the face of death: the Tibetan tradition. Pages Page of 4
Classical Buddhist Contemplation PracticesThis category has 36 sources. Tsering GTashi. 0. The Awakening Mind: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought. :192. Kraus S, Sears S. 0. Measuring the Immeasurables: Development and Initial Validation of the Self-Other Four Immeasurables (SOFI) Scale Based on Buddhist Teachings on Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity. Social Indicators Research. 92(1):169-181. Kornfield J. 0. Meditation for Beginners. :106. Chiesa A. 0. Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(1):37-46. Hetherington I. 0. Realizing Change: Vipassana Meditation in Action. :252. Rosenberg L, Guy D. 0. Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation. :240. Perelman AM, Miller SL, Clements CB, Rodriguez A, Allen K, Cavanaugh R. 0. Meditation in a Deep South Prison: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Vipassana. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 51(3):176-198. Goldstein J. 0. Insight Meditation. :203. Lopez DS, Germano D. 1997. Dying, Death, and Other Opportunities. :458-493. Mullin GH. 1998. Living in the face of death: the Tibetan tradition. Pages Page of 4