Explore Interreligious Contemplation Sources:Interreligious Contemplation Interreligious ContemplationThis category has 19 sources. Symington SH, Symington MF. 0. A Christian Model of Mindfulness: Using Mindfulness Principles to Support Psychological Well-Being, Value-Based Behavior, and the Christian Spiritual Journey. Journal of Psychology & Christianity. 31(1):71-77. Yong A. 0. Mind and Life, Religion and Science: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Buddhism-Christianity-Science Trialogue. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 28:43-63. Macphillamy DJ. 0. Some Personality Effects of Long-Term Zen Monasticism and Religious Understanding . Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 25(3):16;304-316. Chiesa A, Malinowski P. 2011. Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 67(4):404–424. Nagley WE. 0. Thoreau on Attachment, Detachment, and Non-Attachment. Philosophy East and West. 3(4):307-320. Kunz SCosten. 0. Empathy, Intimacy, Attention, and Meditation: An Introduction. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 29:55-60. Nakamura H. 0. The Goal of Meditation. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 13(1):63-79. Monaghan P, Viereck EG. 0. Meditation - the Complete Guide: Techniques from East and West to Calm the Mind, Heal the Body, and Enrich the Spirit. :386. Panikkar R, Cargas HJ. 0. Invisible harmony: essays on contemplation and responsibility. :232. Christopher MS, Charoensuk S, Gilbert BD, Neary TJ, Pearce KL. 2009. Mindfulness in Thailand and the United States: a case of apples versus oranges? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 65(6):590–612. Pages Page of 2
Interreligious ContemplationThis category has 19 sources. Symington SH, Symington MF. 0. A Christian Model of Mindfulness: Using Mindfulness Principles to Support Psychological Well-Being, Value-Based Behavior, and the Christian Spiritual Journey. Journal of Psychology & Christianity. 31(1):71-77. Yong A. 0. Mind and Life, Religion and Science: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Buddhism-Christianity-Science Trialogue. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 28:43-63. Macphillamy DJ. 0. Some Personality Effects of Long-Term Zen Monasticism and Religious Understanding . Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 25(3):16;304-316. Chiesa A, Malinowski P. 2011. Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 67(4):404–424. Nagley WE. 0. Thoreau on Attachment, Detachment, and Non-Attachment. Philosophy East and West. 3(4):307-320. Kunz SCosten. 0. Empathy, Intimacy, Attention, and Meditation: An Introduction. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 29:55-60. Nakamura H. 0. The Goal of Meditation. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 13(1):63-79. Monaghan P, Viereck EG. 0. Meditation - the Complete Guide: Techniques from East and West to Calm the Mind, Heal the Body, and Enrich the Spirit. :386. Panikkar R, Cargas HJ. 0. Invisible harmony: essays on contemplation and responsibility. :232. Christopher MS, Charoensuk S, Gilbert BD, Neary TJ, Pearce KL. 2009. Mindfulness in Thailand and the United States: a case of apples versus oranges? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 65(6):590–612. Pages Page of 2