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Robust Automated Amygdala Segmentation via Multi-Atlas Diffeomorphic Registration. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 6:166.
2012. Amygdala volume and nonverbal social impairment in adolescent and adult males with autism. Archives of General Psychiatry. 63(12):1417-1428.
0. Behavioral Problems After Early Life Stress: Contributions of the Hippocampus and Amygdala. Biological Psychiatry.
0. Gaze fixation and the neural circuitry of face processing in autism. Nature Neuroscience. 8(4):519-526.
0. Gaze-fixation, brain activation, and amygdala volume in unaffected siblings of individuals with autism. Biological Psychiatry. 61(4):512-520.
0. General multivariate linear modeling of surface shapes using SurfStat. NeuroImage. 53(2):491-505.
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