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[Anonymous].  1998.  Our Lives in Schools: Becoming Contemplative Teachers. Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Runge L.  2012.  Place and Contemplative Pedagogy. ABO : Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts. 2(1):12-12.
Francl MM.  2016.  Practically Impractical: Contemplative Practices in Science. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry. 3(1)
Mahani S.  2012.  Promoting Mindfulness through Contemplative Education. Journal of International Education Research. 8(3):215-222.
Ergas O.  2017.  Reclaiming Ethics Through “Self”: A Conceptual Model of Teaching Practice. Teaching and Teacher Education. 68:252-261.
Williams L.R, Leggett R.W.  1989.  Reference values for resting blood flow to organs of man. Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement. 10(3):187-217.
Burack C.  2014.  Responding to the Challenges of a Contemplative Curriculum. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry. 1(1)
Cicmil S, Gaggiotti H.  2018.  Responsible Forms of Project Management Education: Theoretical Plurality and Reflective Pedagogies. International Journal of Project Management. 36(1):208-218.
Wong Y-LRenita.  2013.  Returning to silence, connecting to wholeness: Contemplative pedagogy for critical social work education. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought. 32(3):269-285.
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Scott D.K.  2006.  Science and Spirituality : Finding the Right Map. Integrative Learning and Action: A Call to Wholeness. :57-80.
Zajonc AG.  1992.  Science Within an Ecology of Mind. Holistic Education Review. 5(3):13.
de Silva BROzawa-.  2014.  Secular Ethics, Embodied Cognitive Logics, and Education. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry. 1(1)
Belanoff P.  2001.  Silence: Reflection, Literacy, Learning, and Teaching. College Composition and Communication. 52(3):399-428.
Klein ACarolyn.  2019.  Simplicity: Portals to the Contemplative. Religious Studies News.
Kelsch A.  2013.  Slow Teaching: Where the Mindful and the Modern Meet. North Dakota Quarterly. 80(2):12.
Seidel J.  2006.  Some Thoughts on Teaching as Contemplative Practice. Teachers College Record. 108(9):1901-1914.
Sherrell C, Judith S-B.  2017.  Spiritual Bypassing in the Contemporary Mindfulness Movement. ICEA Journal: Social Justice, Inner Work & Contemplative Practice. 1(1):75-94.
Zajonc A.  2002.  Spirituality in Higher Education: Overcoming the Divide. Liberal Education. 89(1):50-56.
Schiller S.  1999.  Spirituality in Pedagogy: "A Field of Possibilities". The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning. 5:57-68.
Anderson EByron.  2013.  Stop, look, listen: Contemplative teaching and learning. Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry. 10(2):392-406.


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