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Duerr M, Zajonc A, Dana D.  2003.  Survey of Transformative and Spiritual Dimensions of Higher Education. Journal of Transformative Education. 1(3):177-211.
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Kelley KJ, Kelley MF.  2013.  Teaching empathy and other compassion- based communication skills. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. 29(6):321-324.
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Hoyt M.  2016.  Teaching With Mindfulness: The Pedagogy of Being-With / For and Without Being-With / For. JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. 31(1):126-142.
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Zajonc AG.  2000.  The Common Cognitive Sources of Science and Religion.. Education as Transformation: Religious Pluralism, Spirituality, and a New Vision for Higher Education in America.
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Palmer PJ, Zajonc A, Scribner M.  2010.  The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal : Transforming the Academy Through Collegial Conversations. The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series; Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series.
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MacDonald E, Shirley D.  2009.  The Mindful Teacher. The series on school reform; Series on school reform.
Brown R.  2011.  The Mindful Teacher as the Foundation of Contemplative Pedagogy. Meditation and the Classroom: Contemplative Pedagogy for Religious Studies.
Kinane K.  Submitted.  The Place of Practice in Contemplative Pedagogy and Writing. A Journal of Language, Learning and Academic Writing. :10.
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Heesoon B, Scott C.  2011.  The primacy of consciousness in education: A role for contemplative practices in education. The Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education. 33:129-145.


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