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Found 22084 results
Teasdale JD.  20020327.  Metacognitive awareness and prevention of relapse in depression: Empirical evidence.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Hogan R.  19690101.  Development of an empathy scale.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 33(3):307.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  10 MINDFUL EXERCISES | How To Be Present | RENEE AMBERG - YouTube.
Harris D.  Submitted.  #124: Rhonda Magee, Law Professor Using Mindfulness to Defeat Bias.
Permanente K.  Submitted.  14 Meditation & Relaxation Apps Reviewed. 14 Meditation & Relaxation Apps Reviewed.
Chappus J, Wasserman M.  Submitted.  163: Kathryn Budig - The Yoga Community Has Changed • Positive Affirmations • Aim True.
Atwell BJ.  Submitted.  181: Karen Brody shares how Yoga Nidra stopped her anxiety attacks.
Ledoux A.  Submitted.  20th WCP: Teaching Meditation to Classes in Philosophy.
Parker C.  Submitted.  265 Yoga Practice For Depression & Anxiety – Shahar.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  (3) (PDF) Correlating Biomedical and Tibetan Medical Terms in Amchi Medical Practice | Barbara Gerke -
Anonymous.  Submitted.  (3) (PDF) Gender and Women in Tibetan Medicine | Heidi Fjeld -
Anonymous.  Submitted.  (3) (PDF) Naming and forgetting Sowa Rigpa and the territory of Asian medical systems | Sienna R Craig -
Gien J.  Submitted.  3 Quick Mindfulness Practices to Overcome Worry, Anxiety and Panic.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  (3) Tibetan Medicine Among the Buddhist Dards of Ladakh | Stephan Kloos -
Scher AB.  Submitted.  3 Truths About Anxiety That Will Help You Feel Better, Fast. Yoga Journal.
Larkin B.  Submitted.  3 Ways I Healed my Relationship with Time, Lessened my Anxiety and STOPPED Rushing.
Stringer K.  Submitted.  3 Ways Schools Can Use Federal Funding Through ESSA to Support Social-Emotional Learning.
Vernon C.  Submitted.  #32 - Yoga, Meditation and Inspiration For Overcoming Anxiety With Clive Fogelman.
Seppala E..  Submitted.  4 Ways Meditation Improves Relationships. Gaiam.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  4 Ways Mindfulness and Meditation Can Help You at Work. US News & World Report.
Life TAlchemized.  Submitted.  #40 Healing Homelessness, Joining a Movement, and Making Mindfulness Accessible with LunchOnMe Founder and Activitist LaRayia Gaston.
Khalsa S.  Submitted.  40 Years of Radiant Child Yoga.


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