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Sources in this subcollection

Displaying 101 - 150 of 1075


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Andrei F, Vesely A, Siegling A.B.  2016.  An Examination of Concurrent and Incremental Validity of Four Mindfulness Scales. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Edenfield T.M, Saeed S.A.  2012.  An update on mindfulness meditation as a self-help treatment for anxiety and depression. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 5:131-141.
Lo HHM.  2014.  Applications of Buddhist Compassion Practices Among People Suffering from Depression and Anxiety in Confucian Societies in East Asia. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought. 33(1):19-32.
Lalande L, Bambling M, King R, Lowe R.  2011.  Breathwork: An additional treatment option for depression and anxiety? Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: on the cutting edge of modern developments in psychotherapy. 42:113-119.
Menon P, SulfiyaBanu M.  2016.  Burnout, Anxiety and Mindfulness in Athletes. International Journal of Scientific Research. 4(7)


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