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Sources in this subcollection

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Donahoo LMSharp, Siegrist B, Garrett-Wright D.  2018.  Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Stress of Special Education Teachers and Professional Staff Using Mindfulness and Prayer. The Journal of School Nursing: The Official Publication of the National Association of School Nurses. 34(6):442-448.
Bostic JQ, Nevarez MD, Potter MP, Prince JB, Benningfield MM, Aguirre BA.  2015.  Being Present at School. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 24(2):245-259.
Zimmerman A.  2018.  Considerating the Prospect of Cultivating Mindfulness in Teacher Education. Issues in Teacher Education. 27(1):57-72.
Berkovich-Ohana A, Jennings PA, Lavy S.  2019.  Contemplative neuroscience, self-awareness, and education. Progress in Brain Research. 244:355-385.
Cumming T.  2017.  Early Childhood Educators' Well-Being: An Updated Review of the Literature. Early Childhood Education Journal. 45(5):583-593.
Grant KC.  2017.  From Teaching to Being: The Qualities of a Mindful Teacher. Childhood Education. 93(2):147-152.
Burrows L.  2015.  Inner Alchemy: Transforming Dilemmas in Education Through Mindfulness. Journal of Transformative Education. 13(2):127-139.
Miller J, Nozawa A.  2002.  Meditating Teachers: a qualitative study. Journal of In-service Education. 28(1):179-192.
Erricker CLevete.  2001.  Meditation in schools: a practical guide to calmer classrooms. Continuum studies in pastoral care and personal and social education. :156.


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