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Sources in this subcollection

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Ladkin D.  2014.  'In Through the Nose, Out Through the Mouth': How Conscious Breathing Can Help Mere Mortals Cope with the Difficulties of Leading. Physicality of Leadership: Gesture, Entanglement, Taboo, Possibilities. 6:221-237.
Vennie Q.  2014.  5 Yoga Poses To Help Alleviate Anxiety. mindbodygreen.
Fondin M.  2016.  6 Yoga Poses That Help Reduce Anxiety. The Chopra Center.
Gillihan SJ.  2016.  7 Ways Yoga Lowers Stress and Anxiety. Psychology Today.
Brady A.  2016.  8 Yoga Poses to Help You Manage Stress. The Chopra Center.
Norton G.R, Johnson W.E.  1983.  A comparison of two relaxation procedures for reducing cognitive and somatic anxiety. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 14(3):209-214.
Cushing R.E, Braun K.L, Alden S..  2018.  A Qualitative Study Exploring Yoga in Veterans with PTSD Symptoms. International journal of yoga therapy. (Journal Article)
de la Vega LRodriguez.  2015.  A Qualitative Study on Yoga Practice in Quality of Labor Life. Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life: Methodology and Practice. 55:217-238.
Quach D., Mano K.EJastrow, Alexander K..  2016.  A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Working Memory Capacity in Adolescents. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 58(5):489-496.
Falsafi N..  2016.  A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness Versus Yoga: Effects on Depression and/or Anxiety in College Students. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 22(6):483-497.
Pascoe M.C, Bauer I.E.  2015.  A systematic review of randomised control trials on the effects of yoga on stress measures and mood. Journal of psychiatric research. 68(Journal Article):270-282.
Stern JRS, Khalsa SBir S, Hofmann SG.  2012.  A Yoga Intervention for Music Performance Anxiety in Conservatory Students. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 27(3):123-128.


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