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Sources in this subcollection

Displaying 1 - 50 of 85


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Agate J..  2018.  10 Best Mindfulness Apps. The Independent.
Permanente K.  Submitted.  14 Meditation & Relaxation Apps Reviewed. 14 Meditation & Relaxation Apps Reviewed.
Healthline.  Submitted.  Best Meditation Apps of 2018. Healthline.
Technology NCenter for.  Submitted.  Breathe 2 Relax. iTunes.
Challenge CWood Daily.  Submitted.  Chop Wood Game. Chop Wood Game.
Cyr D., Head M., Ivanov A..  2006.  Design Aesthetics Leading to m-Loyalty in Mobile Commerce. Information & Management. 43(8):950-963.
Ba S., Wang L..  2013.  Digital Health Communities: The Effect of Their Motivation Mechanisms. Decision Support Systems. 55(4):941-947.
Fascinative.  Submitted.  Enso Meditation Timer and Bell. Enso Meditation Timer.
Mindfulness EBased.  Submitted.  Evidence Based Mindfulness. EBM for Stress.
Dredge S..  2016.  Five of the Best Meditation Apps. The Guardian.
Tapper H.  Submitted.  Gratitude. Get Gratitude.
Lewis T.L, Wyatt J.C.  2014.  Health and Mobile Medical Apps: A Framework to Assess Risk and Promote Safer Use. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 16(9):e210.
Hamman B..  2015.  How to Pick a Meditation App. How to Pick a Meditation App.
Anonymous.  Submitted.  iMindfulness. iTunes.
Inc. L.  Submitted.  LARKR On-Demand Mental Health Care. LARKR.
Village P.  Submitted.  Mindful Apps. Mindful Apps.
Aikens K., Astin J., Baase C., Bodnar C.M, Levanovich K., Pelletier K.R., Park Y.Y.  2014.  Mindfulness Goes to Work Impact of an Online Workplace Intervention. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 56(7):721-31.
Corliss J..  2014.  Mindfulness Meditation May Ease Anxiety, Mental Stress. Mindfulness Meditation May Ease Anxiety, Mental Stress.
Circle C.  Submitted.  Oak Meditation. Oak Meditation.
Inc. MCreations.  Submitted.  Omvana Meditation. Omvana.


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